
The installation Knochenkerzen consists of a bathtub, containing a stand with IV bags. A large number of candles, modeled into the form of bones will be assembled around the tub. With several performances involving the installation, the artist will enter and leave, the candles will be lit and will burn down - to be immediately replaced with new ones.
Ping Qiu is a Swiss Chinese artist living in Berlin. She was born in Wuhan, China and studied at the National Art Academy, Hangshou. In 1994, she completed her studies at the Hochschule der Kuenste, Berlin. Recent solo and group exhibitions include the Mies Van Der Rohe Haus, Berlin, the 8th Havana Biennial, Cuba, the Goethe Institute Muenchen, the Neue Aktionsgalerie, Berlin, 'arche' 2000, London, the Tamar Festival Centre, Hongkong, the Galerie Robert Keller, Kandern and Berlin, the Musee d'Art de la ville de Liege, France, the Haus der Gegenwartskunst, Speyer and the Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh.