
Things Some People May Have In Common (Part 1) is a sound installation comprising of a simple 'pop-song' heard through headphones in the exhibition space. The vegetable song will be played on radio stations and in various locations in downtown Kitchener. It's a democratizing piece in which the listener is advised to look towards their own everyday experiences to find links between themselves and other people - the realization that even in this diverse world we all have to eat, drink and shit to live, among other things.
Nisha Duggal is a visual artist based in the UK whose practice spans video, photography and sound and is generally text or word-based. Sampling from everyday imagery and sounds she focuses on the banal, random and sometimes beautiful thoughts generated by life in the 21st Century and attempts to pay homage to them. Previous exhibitions include group shows at Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art, Artsway and Umbrella Arts (all UK).