
The project Soul Etude is essentially a 4' x 4' x 8' steel structure housing mirrors and Lake Superior shaped granite stones which will be suspended from a grid using fishing line. The stones hang passively yet hint of imminent danger due to the contrast between the destructive potential of the stones and the fragility of the surrounding glass. This projected tension is transformed into a calm meditation, a contrast to the frenetic montage of fragmented images, multiple views and the cacophony of sound bites, which the modern world presents to us through the media.
Catherine Kozyra completed after studies at OCAD in Toronto an HBFA at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. Recent Solo Exhibitions took place at Niagara Artists Company, St. Catharines, I-Land Gallery, Toronto, Thunder Bay Art Gallery and Artemisia Gallery in Chicago. Most recently, she participated in group exhibitions and outdoor projects as the Ice Follies on the frozen lake Nipissing, WKP Kennedy Public Art Gallery, Art on the Rocks , the Sleeping Giant Project 2004. Catherine just returned from a residency at Pouch Cove, New Foundland.