
Pharmakon, from the Greek for drug or poison, explores colour and sound healing technologies. The interactive autonomous space 7' high and 10' in diameeter analyzes and then floods visitors with a ëpersonalí two-minute sequence of healing colours and sounds. The installation, influenced by Austrian anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner and Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulator is an interactive environment intended to develop subjective associations. 100% guaranteed Placebo effect!
Rodney LaTourelle is a Canadian artist, designer, and writer. He finished his studies with a Master of Landscape Architecture of the University of Manitoba. His work articulates a conceptual space between art and architecture. Recent works were shown at the PlugIn ICA, Winnipeg and the Fehrbelliner Hoffe, Berlin, Germany and investigate relationships between light, colour, space and the body.
Michael Stecky is a video, sound and installation artist and composer/musician. Stecky's videos have been screened across Canada including the Images Festival, ZED TV and the United States. He has won numerous awards and his compositions have recently been recorded by Fubuki Daiko.