
Since the erection of Hamilton's first blast furnace in 1896, steel has played a primary role in my hometown's industrial development. In fact, for more than a half century, the steel industry in Hamilton, Ontario was the city's largest employer. It is not surprising, therefore, that much of my art focuses on issues of industry, labor and working class.
Society clings to stereotypical images of blue-collar workers and treats heavy industry and hard labor as an embarrassment. I hope my work can stimulate a moral impulse in viewers and provide a positive reinforcement for working class people everywhere.
A graduate of the Master's Program at State University of New York at Buffalo an of the Ontario College of Art, James Williams has exhibited his work in The American Labor Museum, New Jersey, George Meany Center Archives, Maryland , Instituto Chileno Norteanericano Gallery, Santiago, Chile, the Art Gallery of Hamilton, Ontario, and at Kunstlerhaus Ulm, Ulm/Donau, Germany.