
The recent exploration of the furthest reaches of space by the Hubble telescope are fascinating and humbling. I couldn't access that technology so I had to invent my own pinhole camera that could recreate what the source of distant light might be. Each exposure is of only one light source, whether that is a light bulb, candle or television set. Through the properties of light and the pinhole, a galaxy of images are created. When these objects are presented as the possible source of star light they become a humorous metaphor for our own religious and/or scientific beliefs. Images for a new folk cosmology mythologizing the nature of light itself.
Dianne Bos' photographic work has been exhibited and collected internationally as well as appearing in magazines, books and on CD covers. She is actively involved in teaching photography, gallery education and freelance curatorial work with a focus on 'low tech' photography and artists' garden projects.