Man in red shirt licking wall.

Francisco-Ferdinando Granados.png

Thu 2-Jun, 12 PM 

Location: Arts Quad adjacent to Dana Porter Library, University of Waterloo
Campus, 203 University Avenue West, Waterloo, N2L 3G
Admission free.

Francisco-Fernando Granados: NEW PRIMARIES: fill in

NEW PRIMARIES: fill in is an action-based, site-specific engagement that addresses contemporary experiences of migration and queerness through conceptual and formal strategies that challenge and shift perceptions regarding the stability of identity categories. Francisco-Fernando Granados is a Toronto-based artist whose process-based practice extends from performance into a range of media including installation, video, text, drawing, and text. He teaches as sessional faculty at OCADU and University of Toronto Scarborough.

The series of performances by artists, This Could Be the Place, is co-curated by Ivan Jurakic and Bojana Videkanic and presented by the University of Waterloo Art Gallery and UW Fine Arts.

Other works in CAFKA.16