Still from John Duffy's Brother. Man with face of frustration who looks to be blowing air with hands at his side in fists.

Screenshot 2016-04-15 16.39.58 copy.png

Location: Critical Media Lab, 44 Gaukel Street, Kitchener

Critical Media Lab plays tribute to the region's light rail madness by asking 19 amateur actors to act like trains, each one representing a stop on the future LRT line.                 

The giant plastic dome that looms over King Street in Kitchener reminds us all that the region's light rail project is not just disruptive, but bizarre and futuristic, almost science fictional, perhaps even a little bit mad. Critical Media Lab plays tribute to the region's light rail madness by asking 19 amateur actors to act like trains, each one representing a stop on the future LRT line. These impersonations will roll out as a series of videos, played at an improvised kiosk outside of 44 Gaukel, which is the home of Critical Media Lab and the future site of an LRT stop.

Critical Media Lab (CML) is a cross-disciplinary, research-creation initiative founded in the Department of English and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo. CML fosters the creation of new media projects that explore the impact of technology on the human condition. The Critical Media Lab is directed by Marcel O’Gorman and Beth Coleman.

Critical Media Lab plays tribute to the region's light rail madness by asking 19 amateur actors to act like trains, each one representing a stop on the future LRT line. Curated and produced by Critical Media Lab under the guidance of Marcel O'Gorman, CML Director.


Illustration above: Still from John Duffy's Brother, based on a short story by Flann O'Brien.


Other works in CAFKA.16