Two men in suits start to build a hut in a public space. A video camera will film them during the work. The house will have 16 holes, enabling viewers to see the inside. In the afternoon the men will go into the hut. Inside there will be a living room situation and live action. The men will behave as though the hut is a private space, without the holes. There will be no script, anything can happen.
Helge Meyer and Marco Teubner both studied cultural science at the University of Hildesheim. system HM2T was founded 1998. Their duo-performances have been shown at international festivals such as (2001: Exit Festival, Finnland/ 2nd Open Art Platform, China/ Aozora Art Project, Japan; 2002: Pipaf 2 Saluhan, Philippines/ A.K.T.3, Czech Republic). They are associated with international meetings of Black Market International. (Switzerland, 2000/ Italy, 2001/ Canada, 2002)