For Probing Into The Distance, Qiu will turn the large reflecting pool in front of City Hall into a water garden. Filled with lilies and "flowers" made from hundreds of colourful rubber gloves, the pool becomes a playful and contemplative reorganization of civic space. The rural is brought to the urban, the suburban is brought to the city. "Humans are as weak as thin yellow flowers", Li Qing Zhao wrote about 1000 years ago during the times of the Song Dynasty. The Finger Flowers are permanently changing, they are human and floral at the same time and seem to be peaceful until the picture switches over again." (Cornelia Gerner, Berlin)
Swiss Chinese artist Ping Qiu was born in Wuhan, China. She studied at the National Art Academy Hangzhou (1981-87) and the Hochschule der Kuenste,Berlin (1988-94). Recent solo and group exhibitions include the Goethe Institute, Muenchen, the Neue Aktionsgalerie, Berlin, "arche 2000" London, the Tamar Festival Centre, Hongkong, Galerie Robert Keller, Kandern, Haus derKulturen der Welt, Berlin, Musee d'Art de la ville de Liege, the Haus deGegenwartskunst, Speyer, the Talbot Rice Gallery Edinburgh and ArtCanal, Switzerland. Later this year, she will participate at the Havanna Biennale in Cuba.