CAFKA is pleased to announce its participation in Pop-Up City on June 26, 2015 – a FREE event, organized by the Downtown BIA and the City of Kitchener, spread between a series of downtown locations and taking place from the afternoon until the early evening, featuring opportunities to get creative, active and interactive in the downtown.
For Pop-Up City, CAFKA has commissioned artist Liz Little of Kitchener to create “Song Without Words,” a one-day site-specific installation of folded paper sculpture in the interior space of the famous helical ramp at the Duke & Ontario Parking Garage, (a.k.a. Parkenheim) at 33 Ontario Street North, Kitchener. (Entrance to the exhibit will be off Duke Street.)
In “Song Without Words,” Liz Little wanted to work with the unique qualities of the parkade and to create shapes that would draw attention to the lines of the architecture as well as activate an unused and ignored piece of public space. Imagining that certain shapes can correspond to certain sounds, and that the helix may represent a continual sound, a wave, or a drone, Liz Little has used the curves of the helical ramp to create a lyrical composition to stimulate a feeling of wonder and beauty in the body and the eye of the viewer.
Accompanying the “Song Without Words” will be sound art by Space Agency, a Kitchener improvisational drone trio, featuring Roan Bateman, Melissa Boraski and Soren Brothers. Space Agency creates ambient instrumental drone music – a “hypnotic continual wave of sound that rises and falls and creates a world of sound.”
Liz Little holds an MFA from the University of Waterloo and a BFA with Distinction from Concordia University in 2010. Her work has been exhibited in Canada, the United States, and Germany and is part of national and international private collections. She is the recipient of several scholarships and awards, including the Sylvia Knight Award in Fine Arts, the Keith and Win Shantz Fellowship, and the Bill Watson Memorial Award for Printmaking. She currently lives and works in Kitchener.
For more information please contact cafka at cafka.org.