We live in uncertain times, times so uncertain we don’t know what to call them: the Holocence, the Anthropocene, Capitalocene, or the Chthulucene? The conversation around the current epoch from a quasi-scientific perspective can assist humans in the critically needed repositioning of ourselves as only one of many animaliaon the planet. In order to rethink our selvesin relation to the land and its discontents, I propose listening for relationshipswhile conceiving alternative futures and presents. // Johanna Householder works in video, performance art, and audio. Her interest in how ideas move through bodies and shape our perception of bodies, both human and animal, leads her often collaborative practice.
Johanna Householder, video still from installation in the Principal’s Office from Art School Dismissed, 2010. Image: courtesy Heather Nicol.
University of Waterloo Central Campus, 200 University Avenue West. Look for the Airstream trailer between DanaPorter Arts Library LIB across from Modern Languages ML, uwaterloo.ca/map
Visitor Parking is available in Lot B, C or Q for a flat rate of $5, uwaterloo.ca/map/