Three metal cones facing outward in a semi-circle on metal frames in the middle of a field.

Attending Captures

June 10 - August 29
Location: Civic Centre Park, 100 Queen St N, Kitchener

Inspired by long established linguistic and musical inter-connections between various bird species and humans, this experiential project invites the audience to become extra aware of the site's surrounding soundscapes. The platforms and the opposing trees function as demarcated sites in which the viewers have the opportunity to engage in deep listening. Blurring the lines between the visitors as the audience vs. the performer, "Attending Captures" gives rise to a moment of contemplation. By relying on tree species that attract local birds as well as parabolic sound reflectors commonly used by bird watchers to distinguish hard-to-hear calls in the wild, Akhbari and Te have created an interspecies eavesdropping opportunity.


Attending Captures Educational Virtual Tour

About the Artists

Sahar Te is a sound and text-based artist who works to open up alternative realities and challenge common approaches to “original” content. From language and semiotics, social dynamics and ethics, Te’s projects engage in geopolitical discourse to challenge power on different levels.

Rouzbeh Akhbari is an artist working in video installation and film. Through a examination of the violences and intimacies that occur at the boundaries of lived experience and constructed histories, Akhbari works to uncover the minutiae of power that organize and regiment the world around us.

Image: Rouzbeh Akhbari and Sahar Te, Attending Captures (2021), Installation view: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost. Commissioned by Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener + Area (CAFKA), 2021. Image courtesy the artists.

CAFKA would like to recognize its community partner City of Kitchener.